Friday 30 September 2011

With Thanks to Herr Doktor Hanz

Alright, I was set to post this after Rain and Stella officialy hooked up, but never had the time to do so. Here it is, in all of its hideous glory - a parody of the Spongebob Squa- I mean, the Herr Doktor Hanz Show theme, as sung by Eddie and the crew of Ironheade.

Backing Track:

Are you ready, dudes?
(Aye-aye, Eddie!)
I can’t hear you!


You saw this one coming from ten miles away!
Well, now it’s arrived and it’s here to stay!
They head out to town and have romantic nights,
And then they get back just in time for the fights!



Trouble at Mill - A Rant

So I went on the forums this morning to find everyone talking about how the Bar needs to be sorted.


I don't see why we bother to talk about it. We have no power to make and proper changes in the forums, and we really have only ourselves to blame for the RP explosion that caused all this. It's really too late in the tournament to even try and revert back to the talking-heads RP style, and even if we do pull it off it won't save the bar's repuation one bit. Everyone will still remember it as being full of creepy losers who get their characters married to one another instead of cheering on the best cyborg animal. And thinking of it like that, it really makes me want to put of RP'ing next year, because at this stage no-one knows what's going to happen to the forums at the end of the tournament. Will it get a clean-out? Will it be archived, or reformatted? No-one's about to tell us any time soon, and it worries me.

Honestly, the only way I can see this getting sorted is if the Major and Gravitas come in and do a bit of rearranging, as well as putting down some guidlines for us to follow. But, as I so tactfully put it one time, the mod's official stance on those who frequent the bar is "Fuck 'em. Have a burger". Or, in EnforcerWolf's case, "Fuck 'em, hope they burn". So the only thing we can hope for is that something gets sorted out at the start of next torunament, because the Major is too nice a person to not ignore the situation we've got. But when he does, what will he do? I'm seeing some of us being banned for some reason or other, or probated at the very least - and on that list is myself, AtJ, Del and Erebus for the whole marriage shenanigans and Cornwind for being a drama hog. JRM can whine all he wants about the old days, but unless the mods step in we're going to have to put up with what we've got.

Anyway, to cheer you all up about the rant, here's a jazzy Nyan Cat. I know David Wulf likes jazz, so this is his cup of tea.

Rain X Stella - A Retrospective

So, it's only a week or so before the marriage ceremony of Rain (Nick) and Stella. Might as well do a quick recap.

It doesn't seem so long ago since they first met. Stella, who was a babysitter back then, got drunk, made out with an equally-drunk Ilsaria and did some other drunken antics. Rain also got drunk, ranted a bit, snapped a photo and passed out. Few could have realised that it would have been the start of something more. I certaintly didn't, at any rate.

Next up was the incident where Stella was wounded by Regal and Ultima, and Rain looked after her by making some Victory Waffles and mixing a Happy Ending and BIG to share. Looking back on it, I really ought to have twigged that something was starting between them at that moment - I had a faint inkling back then, but after the disaster that was Stalker!Rain, I didn't think it would ever be possible. But that moment was so diabetes-sweet it was impossible for it to not go anywhere. Delmond Taggar was right when he said "Ah c'n see where this is goin'". Psychic, that man. Then after that was Rain's birthday, where a combination of Old Spice, a note from Alex and promises of a birthday dinner date dropped hints so blunt and obvious Sherlock Holmes would weep with dismay into his tea.

Of course, when you're going to declare love to someone, you really ought to do it in style. And no declaration of love is more true or epic than when you're being carried through the air by a half-demon roadie, blasting the kneecaps of a giant robot. I am somehow thankful that I made Eddie tease Rain the way he does, because then I don't think half of the stuff that ninja does to help his orator girlfriend would ever get done. Rain would never have gone into IYM and made Stella laugh, David would never have got her riled up enough for Zephyrus to work out she fancied that ninja, and a lot of other things that I may have not mentioned would have been glossed over.

Things got wacky afterwards. Rain took Stella on a trip through the air around town, and revealled his real (non-canon) name. Then he wore a tux, and persuaded Stel to move into this house with him (set up by Eddie, of course). Then there was cake, and they had a make-out session. Then there was Tridenland. Nick proposed. Then they went to a water park. The rest, they say, is history.

Looking back, RP'ing as what was originally meant to be a serious and snappish character in contrast to Eddie's cheery enthusiasm has gone way beyond what I expected. Thanks to Stella and her cheeriness, Nick has turned from your average, two-dimensional kombatant into a kind, considerate, compassionate soul who actually cares for his lover and his friends. Gone is the wanton brutality, the snide, condenscending remarks and the pent-up anger. Of all of the characters I have played, Nick seems to be the one who has truly developed - from one thing unto another. And it's all thanks to a certain prank-loving orator.

AlextheJanitor, for an RP'ing experience that totally snowballed in a direction I probably should have seen coming a mile off...

...I thank you.

Now, where did I leave that other song parody I was working on...?

Thursday 29 September 2011

Play it Again, Maestro!

So Del posted a parody of "Party in Agrabah" from Aladdin and the King of Thieves on the ZF Forums, about Erebus and Jonesy's wedding.

Well, two can play at that game! This is a parody of "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" from the Lion King, and is based on the time in the bar when Rain and Stella just met, and were sharing that Happy Ending/BIG combo. For best results, listen along to the actual song (Original, Broadway, it doesn't matter) while you read this.

Ah c'n see whut's happenin', (JONESY: What?)
And they don't 'ave a clue! (DAVID: Who?)
They'll fall in luv, and 'ere's the bottom line:
It's more expense fer yew! (SARAH: Oh!)

There's loads of diabetes
And pancakes everywhere!
Away from this dramatic atmoshpere,
Romance is in the aaaaaaaaiiiirr!

Can you feel the love tonight?
Something's between those two.
What will it take apart from rounds of drinks
To start up something new?

So much I want to tell her,
But how to make her see
The truth about my past? Impossible!
She'd just flip out at me.

He's trying hard, I know it.
But does he have to hide?
Why can't he be the hero I know he is,
The hero I see inside?

Can you feel the love tonight?
Something's between those two.
What will it take apart from rounds of drinks
To start up something new?

Can you feel the love tonight?
It isn't hard to find.
It's so clear from where I'm sitting now.
Love is on their minds.

An' if 'e falls in lurve tonight,
That's annuver pair.

There's just too much romance flyin' about!

It really isn't fair!

Not my best effort, but I try. Critique and comment, as always.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

That's Our Shuma!

So I just made Shuma-Gorath try and fool the two couples into thinking they were mocking each other's wedding plans. This was based on the little incident between them at Steamcrabs Springs, and perfectly displays my psychotic addiction to chaos and discord.

Del, if it looks as though I took that moment too personally, I didn't. I just saw an opportunity for Shuma to be a huge jerk, which is what he does best, and rolled with it. There was no personal anger involved whatsoever.

Also, Shuma would have totally won Impersonate Yer Mates, and you know it.

Zoofights RP – The Backstory

Right, this is where I explain what happened so far in my Zoofights RP’ing madness. All of this should be considered non-canon to the games/books etc. they come from.
First to arrive was Shuma-Gorath, who started off as eccentric, goofy and somewhat loveable despite his horrifying appearance and mannerisms. Eventually, however, he lost the Big Bar Brawl and turned cynical and plotting, once trying to get Alex and Sarah wiped out for no reason other than they were goodie-goodies. That failed, and he now makes guest appearances when I can be bothered to write him.

Eddie Riggs, from Brutal Legend, was brought to Zoofights by Shuma-Gorath, who wanted to brainwash the bar into becoming his slaves. This failed, and Shuma fired him from his position as a prophet. Now, Eddie helps out and is generally an awesome guy.

Rain arrived as an almost-always-angry, aloof creep who often screamed “IT’S A ROYAL COLOUR!” when questioned about his choice of attire. He had a rather creepy crush at one point (If you;re reading this, Dudemanguy, that wasn't my intention, sorry :P), but got over that and manned up thanks to reverse psychology from David Wulf. He now hangs out with Eddie and…

…well, I think I hear wedding bells, too. How strange!

Hello, World!

It's your friendly neighbourhood Steel Komodo here! This is my private blog, which will focus mostly on my general life, such as Zoofights RP'ing, random projects and Uni life. Big shoutout to AlextheJanitor, Gooper Blooper, RedSpy, Gentleman Draco, Erebus, jumperopeman, Cornwind Evil and Sabrewulf for being awesome RP buddies, and to The Deleter, my real-life big brother and all-around cool guy.