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And the occasional physical embodiment of all living matter, but you don't really taste that. |
Drop the National Pokédex
The whole point of the Pokémon games is to fill up your Pokédex - which you recieve at the start of every quest - with every kind of animal available in the game's region. You do this by catching the little buggers in the wild, evolving them by beating the tar out of other people's animals and trading them with friends. Unlike the average person, I was never able to do this, either because I got bored of wandering through the tall grass to find that goddamned Abra or I was to busy kicking the gym leader's backsides. But if you are a better person than I am (and I'm sure someone reading this is), then you manage to accomplish this amazing feat alongside thrashing the bad guys and becoming the champion of the league, which is like being a movie star except not.
Whereupon your reward... is to catch more of the things.
Let's put this into context, shall we? Over five successive generations of main games, the number of Pokémon has swollen from a relatively small mob at the time of Red and Blue to something equal to a goddamned Roman legion by the time of Black and White. There's over 649 of the things. Six Hundred and Forty Nine. Not coutning the alternate forms of Deoxys or Rotom, because they're hard enough to keep track of in the first place.
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And you thought the line for the school lunch queue was bad. |
Also, I see no value in catching the monsters you worked your socks off to earn in the previous generations. Catching a Pidgey in every game gets boring after a while.
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Nobody likes you, Pidgey. |
Make the Main Characters Less Wimpy
This is a point that I feel is the root cause of quite a lot of things in the Pokémon series, and ties neatly into my next mad gremlin of an idea. It could also be rendered somewhat moot, considering your voiceless, pre-pubescant, animé-haired avatar eventually has to square up to creatures that could easily be considred living gods.
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Trust me, you need serious cahoonies to stand up to these guys. |
Now, I know that the characters can't just up and say "Screw this, I'm outta here", because they can't. They're just blank, voiceless slates for the player to project themsevles onto, and it's kinda hard for the silent hero to refuse the call of duty. Besides, the fun you can have with that can liven up the dull moments when you're stuck in one city because that gym leader is too tough for you. My playthrough of Pearl saw me turn my character into a Duke Nukem wannabe who spouted nonsense about chewing gum and kings at the start of every trainer fight, whilst Heart Gold saw me imagine an irritable bastard who laments the fact that everyone only thinks of good ideas at the last minute, which often seems to be the case in these games.
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"Why, oh, why am I the only sane person in this region?" |
Also, when you lose a trainer battle and have all of your Pokémon faint, for some reason your character "whites out" and wakes up in the nearest Pokémon Centre minus a few hundred dollars. What's going on there? Is our hero secretly a pacifist who cannot stand the sight of wounded animals? Did all the excitement and stress of the fight cause the blood to go to their heads? Or did they suffer a spontaneous heatstroke, causing them to pass out in the middle of the road? And why would the dude you've just been fighting drag you all the way to the Pokémon Centre, only to loot your unconcious form and rush back to their predetermined spot on the road in anticipation of the inevitable rematch? At the very least, you should just be able to walk away on your own to revive your team, unable to fight other trainers or wild Pokémon until your team is at full strength again.
And on the subject of story...
Give Us Some Choice
This is a thing that me and the guys on Skype have been talking about, and we all agree that it would be a nice thing to see implemented. The Pokémon series has an underlying theme of growing up and independance which, I feel, seems to get lost in the madcap rush to say you captured the God of Time. And the obligatory "Catch 'Em All/Become The Champ/Save The World" story is getting a bit hackneyed, to be brutally honest. So in order to try and coax some life into this series, I'd like to propose a moral choice/story path hybrid system. You know, the thing that Shadow the Hedgehog claimed to have, but didn't because it was an awful game.
Now, I'm not saying we need to go the Mass Effect route and conjure up a thousand different story paths for the mute protagonists, and not just because it probably wouldn't be technologically feasable. Given the cutesy nature of the game, it's not really a good idea for the player to swing between righteous paragon and puppy-kicking bastard at the push of a button, because it just wouldn't mesh with the tone of the series in general. Also, there's also no real need for an optional story path that sees you go all vigilante, build an army of Pokémon to storm the bad guy's base and wreck his shit up.
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Not gonna lie, though, that would be awesome. |
This, I feel, would be the biggest and most important change to the games. Not only would it dispose of a storyline that's gone a bit mouldy, like week-old bread, but it also gives the player a bit more freedom. In a sense, it changes the genre of the game from a standard Adventure/RPG hybrid into something akin to a sandbox crossed with the RPG elements - you're free to pursue whichever aspect of the plot suits you best as you feel like it. I know some of you are going to draw comparisons to GTA, because we all know GTA did the sandbox-game thing first (/sarcasm), and while it might be a bit of a stretch to imagine that Nintendo would approve of this idea, with their long history of recycling the basic plot of their beloved franchises, it would be nice to think that something like this could be done. It would breathe a bit of life into the series as a whole, because frankly, I'm getting sick of being told I have to save the world, I have to be the very best and I have to catch 'em all. What if I don't want to?
I have a bucketload of minor ideas that could also go into this post, but I feel I've typed enough already. What do you guys think? Comments? Critique? Batshit insane ramblings on how you absolutely hated Lt. Surge? (I know I did, smug git.) Fire away!
Update: Minor Ideas
So, here's some minor ideas that I think could be worked into my hypothetical Pokémon reboot, thrown in at the last minute.
- Take the "Version Exclusive" gimmick and expand it - for example, one game takes place in the north of the new continent, and the other takes place in the south, the player only able to access the other game's world after beating the Elite Four or something. Or, for laughs, version exclusive starters.
- The ability to groom your Pokémon before a contest - cleaner Pokémon are more likely to win bigger points.
- Using your Pokémon in the overworld could easily be expanded a bit more. For example, you could have a fetch-quest that involved using your Pokémon to track a scent, perhaps a kidnapped child. ("What's that, Zigzagoon? Timmy's stuck in a cave?")
- Have a trainer fight against a Mewtwo. Because that movie was awesome, no matter what Nostalgia Critic says.
- Bring back Ruby and Sapphire's Secret Bases, damnit!