Thursday 28 November 2013

Pitsgiving 2

"So yeah, I'm with my family right now, in Ireland. It's... bigger than I thought it was.

"Yeah, I've been supporting them with the money I make from my films and games and stuff, and this year they decided to spend it on a big Thanksgiving thing at this great hall somewhere. And it turns out angel families can get quite extensive. The tables are full of 'em right now.

"...Oh, you'll love them, I promise! Well, not so much my dad, he's kind of- pfffft, yeah, a stick-in-the-mud. But Mom's really nice and hospitable, Grandad Reggie's a laugh - and I've got like loads of aunts and uncles and nephews and cousins as well! Like my Great Uncle Kain, who's - no joke - about seven and a half feet tall and bends iron bars over his knee! Yeah, not joking!

"Well, it's pretty much turned into a great big piss-up now, all traditional Greco-Irish, if that's a thing. People are lounging around on cushions and eating with their fingers, but there's great big cups of mead and spit-roasted meat and- yeah, not Dad. Saddo's got a table by himself because Reggie got table manners confused with military drilling. Pffffft.

"...yeah, I know. I miss you too. Look, someday, I'm gonna save up all my pennies and book a flight to Gensokyo or something, and I'll come over and see you. Or heck, maybe I'll buy you a ticket so you can come over! You can say hi to the family and see all Manhattan's got to offer, and check out the Zoofights history. You'll love it, I promise."

And that's when a somewhat tipsy Dirk leans over and taps him upon the shoulder.

"Yo, bro," he hollers a little too loudly. "They're setting the disco up soon, and Godfather Rafferty's gonna give out presents!"

"...Disco?" Pit looks incredulous. "Nobody said anything about a-"

"Cousin Monroe made it~!"

"...Figures. Right, I'll be there soon."

Dirk turns and heads back, veering only slightly, as Pit sighs and turns back to his phone.

"Sorry, I need to go. The family's expecting me. Big dance-off of some kind, I need to make a speech of a sort... Yeah, lots to do.

"Love you too, Okuu. Byeee~"

And so, Pit clicks off his mobile phone, stows it into his pocket and walks back down the corridor towards the Great Hall, where a lot of drunken singing is being heard.

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