Alright, thank you all for coming back on such short notice.
"It would have been better if I hadn't been in the middle of a job. And did you have to bring the Barbarian along?!"
"It does feel a little like gloating, no offense meant."
"Oh, aye? Yer jest jealous Aa'm in an' yer not~"
Yes, yes, calm down. Anyway, it's time to reveal the result of the voting, which I probably should have done earlier but...
"But you had forgotten your main characters needed an introduction, heh heh."
Anyway, this is how it works. I roll the tractor, just as JRM does on FYM, except I do it twice. The first result gets a permanent spot on the roster, and the second - the runner-up - will become a FYM regular and minor character. Sound fair enough?
"(The Chief is in agreement.)"
Alright, let's do this...
Character with Least Amount of Votes: Chief Thunder with 0 votes.
Okay, just calm down-
"I'd just get an end table at this point, lad."
The Middle Man: Sabrewulf with 1 vote.
"Oh, botheration. Somehow, I just knew I wouldn't make it."
You tried your best, mate, and that's good enough for me.
Character with Most Amount of Votes: Dampierre with 3 votes.
"Hoh-hoh! I knew it! I've won! Such perfection from Le Bello! Thank goodness for that, because I've just prepared this marvellous speech to read out upon my victory!
"A-hem... Le Bello would like to thank-"
Wait, wait, hang on... The results have just come in, and the actual winner of the votes was...
...stalling tactic...
Sorry, Dampierre, but you just got screwed by the tractor. The Tactician is now an offical character in ZFRP!
"Congratulations, my good boy! Knew you had it in you!"
"Well... I must admit, this is a pleasant surprise indeed! I'm looking forward to seeing what adventures and experiences await me!"
"But... but this is preposterous! Le Bello got the most votes, and should have won by-"
"Ah, giv ower yammerin', ye candyman gowk! Ye haad the most votes, didn't ye?"
*(Mutter, grumble, gripe...)*
...And with that out of the way, allow me to introduce the runner-up!
The People's Favourite (Runner Up): More obligatory pausing...

Tusk, you just earned yourself a spot as a FYM and Minor Character! Hope that's what you were after!
"Ho ho ho! More than good enough, friend! Just point me at that arena!"
Well, that concludes those festivites, and I hope you all enjoyed that little runaraound I did to compensate for my indesicion! Thank you, and see you come next season!
Dampierre, put that scotch down. No, Thunder, you can't steal my paintings!
"Aye, I reckon we'll 'ave us a canny time, eh, hinny~?"
"Erm... yes? Bother, where did I put my Babelfish...?"
my picks won yayyyyy