Wednesday 10 December 2014

Dirkmas 3: Space Dirky (Part 1/2)

Riiiing... Riiiiing...

"Yo, Jo! How ya doing'?

"Pffft, really? Man, I know your mom's cooking is great, but it can't last that long, surely?

"...Okay, touche. Thank all the gods for antacid tablets, eh?"

"Me? Oh, I'm alright. And Pit? Well... He's gone to Gensokyo to visit Okuu's family. Apparently, they're all as crazy as some of us at the bar. So, yeah, that's a thing.

"Hey, you wanna know what else is a thing? You know that holiday you always said you wanted to go on? Well, I had a word with David, and-

"...That's right! WE'RE GOING TO PLANET TRENDY!"


This is Planet Trendy. A poppin’ joint where you’ll find the hippest couples in the universe droppin’ it like it’s hot. If you wanna show your bae that ‘you da man’ then you best ‘turn up’ here; er’body in the place be swaggin’. Don’t matter whether shorty like hangin’ outdoors or gettin’ crunk in da club.
If you got the scrilla’ then planet Trendy got yo back.

...okay, that was awful. In less stupid terms, Planet Trendy is the ultimate hangout for anything in the galaxy. It's a shopping mall, a super-disco, a romantic wonderland and a few other things that most other places don't like to talk about, with something to satisfy every taste no matter how eccentric or depraved. Only the super-rich, super-famous or both at once are able to go here, due to insane prices and the huge VIP market that ettended every year.

Thankfully, Dirk knew David Wulf, who could turn wood into gold by sleeping near it.

And thus did he and Josephine find themselves aboard the shuttle descending towards Planet Trendy, watching as the landscape beneath them hoved into view. The planet itself was long dead, a barren rock much like the moon back home, but the shining glass domes that dotted it's face held an atmosphere tailored to every known life form in existence. And each dome, both knew, would be housing the hustle, bustle and excitement of the planet's nightlife, the streets and gangways jam-packed with alien life and more besides.

It was the "more besides" that Dirk was interested in.

"Seriously, Dirky," Josephine was saying as she put down her glass of brightly-coloured, obviously alcoholic liquid. "You don't know how great this feels right now."

"I can imagine," chuckled the dark angel. Privately, Josephine had admitted to him that she would miss their adventures in space now that the ZFS King of Beasts was going to be scrapped, and longed to at least have one last foray into the stars before the year was up. This, he figured, was as close to an early Christmas present he was going to get her - she'd practically squealed his ear off over the phone, and the smile on her face was more than proof that he'd done the right thing.

"Just me and you," the chemist hummed wistfully, "for the entire weekend. Nobody to bother us, enough time to get our Christmas shopping done-"

"And no dumb-ass Nibirians coming to take my limbs!" cut in Dirk. Seriously, he could do very well without those guys turning up again, thank you.

Josephine snorted with laughter. "I'll drink to that!"

And drink they did.

"Still," added Dirk, as he put his cider down, "it's a shame big bro couldn't be here. I mean, there's a dome on here that's basically one massive arcade! He'd have gone right for that shit without a second thought!"

"Well, Utsuho met his family at Thanksgiving," reasoned Josephine. "Makes sense he'd want to get to know them a bit better." Dirk had to not here - that wasn't logic you could really argue with. I mean, after introducing your fiance to your crazy barbarian uncle, it was only fair for her to introduce you to her foster mother who could read your mind like a Spot the Dog book. Then again, that was how Dirk knew Pit had decided to pop the question in the fist place...

I wonder how he's doing, he thought as he sipped from his cider again.


"For the last time, Koishi, you're not allowed to use your powers to steal food off Pit's plate. He's a guest, you stay noticeable to guests." Despite her neutral expression, Pit got the feeling that Satori Komeiji was slightly exasperated by the constant management of the Palace of the Earth Spirits' Christmas dinner. Utsuho busy running an errand, Pit was left alone to meet her "family" at the table.

"Sorry, big sis, but you know how much I love your cooking~"

"That's not going to work, Koishi."

"Yeah, don't be rude! I need to eat as much as you do!"

"Well, damn." Grumping slightly about being caught out, Koishi retreated to her own seat and plate, leaving Pit's food untouched for now. 


...but I can speculate.

But in any case, Pit or no Pit, this was going to make a nice change. So far, all of Dirk's holidays had been with his brother or some of the family, doing angel things that angels like to do. But why do that when, having made a lucrative killing as a writer and amateur gourmet chef, you could go do weird and wacky things like go to a far-off pleasure planet? It'd make Pit spit with jealousy, for one thing, and it would also let him spend more time with his girlfriend in private, doing the things they both liked best. Like shopping, eating, watching films, getting drunk, dancing...

At that moment, the tannoy bingley-beeped into life, catching the attention of the couple and everyone else with them.

"Your attention, please," droned the voice, in the bored monotone of a man who has given up on life and knows this is all he'll ever amount to. "This is your captain speaking, we are now on course to arrive at the Planet Trendy spaceport in half an hour's time. All passengers bound for this destination, please make your way to the passenger airlocks and collect your luggage on the way. Repeat, this is your captain-"

But Dirk had already lost interest, and quickly knocked back what remained of his cider in the traditional Irish fashion. No point in wasting money, after all. Once that was done, he quickly stood up and grinned at Josephine, who was polishing off her own drink in the same style. Sarah would have been jealous, were she there to witness it.

"You ready?" he asked. 

"More than," was the giggled reply.

And so, with spirits and hopes high, the couple made their journey towards the exits of the ship and for Planet Trendy.


There was something rather reassuring about the mall, Dirk decided. And not because it was playing all the awful classic Christmas songs

In truth, he'd been privately nervous about what he was going to face in the Shopping Dome. David had pitched Planet Trendy at him like it was a miniaturized version of the Hub's nightlife, so the dark angel had expected something along the lines of Chinatown crossed with that weird anti-grav corridor from 2001. But it had only taken five seconds after stepping through the massive plexiglass doors to suddenly realize that hey, this was Manhattan's Gravitas Mall all over again. Except with more tentacled aliens and rhino people.

 One such rhino person, behind a counter at a video game store, was handing him a large stack of gift-wrapped boxes.

"Here you are, Mr. Angelos," he rumbled. "Merry Christmas."

"Likewise," replied the angel with a smile as he took the boxes from the counter. The great thing about the Trendy VIP Pass was that it granted the kind of privilege the average holidaymaker would commit murders to get. Not only had he just used it to get a massive discount off the items he'd just bought, but he'd also managed to get them gift-wrapped as well as a complementary gift card! And he could do it for literally every store in here! Man, sometimes being rich and having the right contacts was the best thing ever, especially when it came to getting Christmas gifts.

There was the slight drawback, however, of actually having to carry the things. Dirk soon realised this as he hefted the stack of parcels into his arms - their combined weight nearly made him stagger backwards, and he had to rest his chin on the top of the stack to see where he was going. There were trolleys, of course, for shoppers to cart their gifts around, but they weren't allowed in the stores, necessitating a trip outside to actually load them with items. Ideally, the angel should have got these last of all, but it had been the first store he'd found after he and Josephine split up. And never let it be said that Dirk Angelos ever wasted an opportunity.

 It probably wasn't worth stumbling about half-blinded by Santas and Rudolphs, though. 

Which, as he exited the store into the crowded mall corridor, was where the trouble started.

"Watch out!"

That cry was the first and only warning Dirk got. Not that it mattered - even if he'd been able to see who had made it and where they were, it came far too late for him to react to it. A split-second later, the angel's world jolted as somebody collided forcefully with him, knocking the breath from his body and the presents from his grasp. The resulting avalanche of red and gold boxes as he tumbled to the floor, winded and dazed, drew the attention of pretty mich every other life form in the immediate area, who launched into a cacophony of mad jabbering in their native languages.

Needless to say, Dirk was more than a little annoyed. But he did his best to try and not show it.

"Sorry about that," he tried as he hauled himself upright. "You alright?" Concerned, he offered out a hand of support to the person just bumped into as, spread-eagled on the floor, they recovered their breath and senses from the accident. As soon as Dirk had finished speaking, they got their senses back and at upright, directing their gaze at the angel as he held out the hand that was meant to help them up.

But if he was expecting any gratitude, he was to be disappointed. 

"You blithering idiot!" she snapped, slapping the hand away angrily. "Watch where you're going next time!" Her voice was the correct kind of high-pitched, well-bred tone that grated on the nerves - like the Queen's English filtered through a bullhorn. Dirk gaped in shock, not even expecting this kind of a display from anyone, let alone somebody who was clearly supposed to be an aristocrat.

"Excuse me?!" he spluttered at last. "I said 'sorry'! What the hell do you want, a band-aid?" 

"I'll thank you," retorted the woman as she pulled herself upright, "to speak to me with a little more respect! If it wasn't for your-"

"Oh, you're gonna blame me for this?!" Dirk quickly leap to his feet, fists balled in anger. The last thing he was going to put up with, on this holiday, was being pushed about by some stuck-up rich-bitch in fancy dress who refused to take responsibility for her own idiocy. Already the assembled aliens around him were backing away a little nervously - the angel was showing the universal signal for 'one wrong move, mister, and I punch your lights out'.

"If you had watched where you were going to begin with," the angel hollered, wings ruffling, "we wouldn't even be having this conversation! What's next, you gonna sue me for slightly bruising your arse?!"

The woman snorted, looking down at him as if he was a slight scuff on her shoe. "Please, as if I would waste my time with someone like you, Dirk."

The silence that fell weighed about several tons.

" know who I am?!" Dirk managed to croak out at last, eyes wide. "I thought the whole 'all rich people know each other' thing was a myth!"

"Shows what you know. And what I know," the blonde added, stepping closer and intensifying her glare, "is that you don't belong here. How some pedestrian angel got into the ranks of the rich is beyond me, but don't think for a minute that you're one of us, Angelos. It doesn't matter how many gaudy trinkets you buy, or how many of those idiotic novels you churn out. You're still a peasant, who doesn't deserve any of the accolades or money that's been showered upon you."

And before Dirk could respond, she haughtily shoved her way past him and sauntered into the store, making an obvious and conscious effort to appear superior in every fashion possible. The crowd, soon seeing that no pandemonium was going to break out in any fashion, dispersed and went about its own business in the way that crowds do - there is work to be done, presents to be brought and food to be eaten. No point in lingering on what is past.

The youngest Pitbro watched the annoyance leave, teeth gritted.

"Wow. Period much?" he muttered as he went about gathering his fallen presents and putting them in the trolley. He was still seething - what had started off as a good weekend had taken a nosedive. It was bad enough that he'd had to push his way past surging crowds and endless security checks to get to the mall in the first place, but now he'd had to deal with some entitled bitch who, no doubt, was popular in some far-off galaxy. Dirk might have liked being rich, but the attitude that often came with that caveat was a major annoyance to him.

Still, he thought to himself as he shoved the largest box into the trolley. At least she wasn't Nibirian.

He'd just finished putting the last present in when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Whipping around, he was rather to find that, instead of a Godfather-esque figure in a suit as he'd imagine, Josephine was standing behind him with a trolly of her own. Already it was bulging with presents in their own blue-and-silver gift wrap, but the concerned face of his girlfriend was what drew his attention the most.

"I heard you shouting," was the explanation she gave. "What the heck happened over there?"

Dirk huffed, folding his arms. "Some rich idiot bitched at me just because I bumped into her by accident. I couldn't even see them coming, and I apologized and everything!"

Josephine's eyes widened, then narrowed in annoyance mirroring Dirk's. "Wow, really? That was just rude! It's not like you did it on purpose, was it?"

"That's the Christmas Rush for you," muttered the angel as he got behind his trolly. "Turns reasonable people into massive dickbags."

"Well, never mind." The chemist fell in step with her boyfriend, putting on a smile to try and cheer him up. "Now, come on! Let's go see about getting presents for the guys in Manhattan!"

Dirk nodded and smiled back, but internally he was still miffed. What had begun as a great start to the weekend had rapidly been soured by this one event - some people just had it out for everybody else. He definitely should have gone to that one store last of all, then maybe he could have avoided that idiotic confrontation and everything that came with it. But as it was, he now had a searing hatred for blonde women in what looked like schoolgirl outfits. Because that was a schoolgirl outfit, no matter what any freaky alien told him.  

He wondered if Pit was having to go through something like this.


Even as Koishi left Pit alone, another guest sat down next to the angel. A slightly more familiar and much drunker one, this time.

"Oy, Whitewings! 'S been too long! You keepin' in shape? I ain't lettin' ya run home with Sunshine if ya get all chubby now, here!"

"ACK! Oh, hi, Yuugi. Yeah, I've been keeping in shape. Need to, after that Thanksgiving!"

"Good ta know, good ta know! Heck, I betcha I can getcha some real good booze whenever the two of ya hitch up. In tha meantime, if ya want, I'll help ya wid a workout! After the party, of course!"

"Um... sure."

With that, Yuugi turned to Satori, apparently to ask her something. Satori preempted the oni by directing her to the basement, where three casks had been set aside for her specifically. As the oni stomped off, the cat girl Rin Kaenbyou slinked up next to Pit in her place.

"So... I hear you guys are really good at killing all these villains, at least from what Utsuho told me. What's it like? Must be a lot of corpses, heheh."

"Um... yeah. A lot of corpses. Not that I take interest in that kind of thing..."

"Spoilsport. Bet if you helped me I could really light up the hell. Wonder if I can get Utsuho to cart a few back..."

"Rin pls D:"


Never mind, he thought. I'm sure things will go better later today.


"THIS IS THE GREATEST FUCKING DAY EVER!" Dirk screamed over the music.

Now, this was more like what something called Planet Trendy should be. The Night Dome was only open after eight in the evening, and it stayed open until either 6AM Earth Time hit or somebody tried to set fire to something. And small wonder that it stayed open so long - having wraith-like trees and cultivated flowers that pulsed neon colours in time to the music was better than any shitty LCD dance floor, ever. Especially when filtered through the blurry haze of alcohol and a psychoactive candy that normally only squid-aliens ate. He had  to get some of those for the house, seriously!

Right now, as the music thumped through the speaker ceiling (seriously, the ceiling was an entire speaker), he was shimmying in close proximity to Josephine close to the balcony railing. The multi-tiered dance-floor was another cool thing about the Night Dome, in that you didn't have to share the same space with the drunken idiots next to the bar who flailed like retarded baboons and knocked you over. And it meant you could have some private time with your girlfriend - most of of the bump-n'-grind variety that comes with alien drinks and sweeties.

Yes, this was already the highlight of his weekend.

Josephine twisted her head to look back at him, grinning lopsidedly - she'd also had a drink and some of those crazy sweets."Having fun?" she called out, barely audible over the thumping bass.

"Fuck yeah!" was the response - Dirk's lips felt like cold rubber, but he didn't really care too much about that. Josephine's grin widened as she turned around to face him, keeping close as her arms found his shoulders and hung on for extra support. The angel soon saw his chance and leaned in, hands going somwhere predictable, and for a minute the both of them ignored the whoops and cheers of the small crowd around them.

"I'm gonna get a drink," Dirk hollered as soon as he pulled away. "Wanna come with?"

"No, thanks!" Josephine called back. "I've had enough already!"

With a small chuckle, the angel reluctantly pulled himself away from his girlfriend and began pushing his way over to the bar. Well, a bar - there were several, dotted around the dome like spots on a leopard's skin. It was perhaps the best way to do it, with a place this large - after all, nobody wanted to get lost in the bustling crowds looking for drinks, as was common in so many other clubs on Earth. Dirk wondered to himself, as he slipped between two sapient shades of purple, if such a thing would ever catch on back home. It would certainly help the clubs make more money.

Upon reaching the bar, he bawled out an order for absinthe to the bartender, who seemed to be comprised entirely of strands of yarn. It didn't take long for the drink to be served, and soon Dirk was crashing on one of the nearby leather seats, sipping from the plastic cup and watching people fall over themselves. It made a relaxing change from beging pushed around by bitchy blondes in dumb outfits, that's for sure, and the weekend was starting to look promising now that annoyance was other with. Yes, everything was coming up Dirk, for once.

And then fate dealt the angel a bum hand once again.

He was halfway through his cup, the world become more and more Gaussian, when a man in a suit suddenly materialized next to him. He wondered, at first, what a guy dressed like a mafia goon would be doing here, and then shrugged mentally. This was Planet Trendy, after all - maybe mob goons from across the galaxy came here to talk about... fuck, whatever it was mobs talked about between each other. Beer and money, perhaps.

"You Dirk Angelos?" The stranger's accent, a cross between New Yorker and something nasal, was thick enough to cut cheese.

"That's me," slurred the dark angel, seeing nothing wrong with the scenario in front of him.

Wrong answer.

"Mah boss, Don Macro, 'eard about 'ow you shoved his girl, Mr. Angelos."

"An' he's callin' you out, you sunuvabitch."

Dirk felt the universe plummet out from him. Althought that might have been the absinthe.


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