Wednesday 16 March 2016

Non-Canon Silliness Shorts 1: Spell 'Me' (NSFW)

"Hey, Ash."

Ash didn't turn around. "Yes?"

"Spell 'Me'."

Ash blinked, but still didn't turn around. "Okay... 'M', 'E'?"

"You forgot the 'D'."

"...there's no 'D' in 'Me'," said Ash, as he turned around.

Original art by MetalJellyfish
"Not yet, there isn't~" purred Sam.

As Ringo Starr would say, there was a long silence.

"...I don't get it," said Ash.

Wherupon Sam slumped like a deflated balloon, grabbed his shirt and left the room in a huff.


It was only during dinner time that Ash finally got the joke. And even Sam had to admit that yes, it wasn't a very good one. All of that prep for nothing - and now Erdrick would be mocking him for days after this.

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