Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Medieval Old Spice - A Skype Conversation

Sometimes, Del and I come up with the craziest crap when on Skype.

[19:21:11] Jake Newton: loleth
[19:21:21] Thomas Newton: Greetings, fair maidens.
[19:21:28] Thomas Newton: observe thy knight.
[19:21:32] Thomas Newton: Now observe me
[19:21:37] Thomas Newton: Observe thy knight once more
[19:21:41] Thomas Newton: then observe me
[19:21:53] Thomas Newton: Regrettably, you knight is not me
[19:22:34] Thomas Newton: But, if thy knight bathed with Old Spice cleansing oils rather than regular soaps, then he could smell akin to me
[19:24:26] Jake Newton: blog that shit
[19:24:28] Jake Newton: now


  1. The tickets are now sugar.
    Anything is possible when you're 4'11".
    I'm on Shelby.

  2. Dododo do do do DOOOOOO~

    Alex is 4'9'', though.

    His idiot hair gives him two extra inches though. =P
