Monday, 10 October 2011

Why Street Fighter X Tekken is Awesome

So Nick and Stella are married, and have at least seven pets to look after. Corgis, corgis everywhere. And I almost missed class this morning. That's why you don't stay up until 3 directing RP Royal Weddings.

Meanwhile, Street Fighter X Tekken is going to be an awesome game and you should buy it when it comes out. Why?

This is why, beeyatch.


  1. Now THAT'S a Tiger Uppercut! But really Kuma? Really? At least Wario doesn't shove his foe's face into his ass when he farts in battle!

  2. Haha, it's more like Final Fight x Tekken. Not that I'm complaining though - I'm hoping they add Sodom to complete the set! ... What can I say, I'm a Final Fight fan. :) I hope on the Tekken side they add Dragunov. Sincerely hoping that Lars does not get added as that would mean I would have to look at him.

    We'll almost certainly be getting this since both my boyfriend and brother are big fighting game fans.

  3. My tag team will forever be Abel and King and you can't stop me. Mild-mannered wrestlers FTW!
