Saturday 25 January 2014

Steel Komodo's Character Interviews 2014 - Sabrewulf

Uuuuurgh... my head. What happened? Where am I? And more importantly, why is my desk not a shattered mess?

"Good evening, sir. I apologize for my current state, but my formal clothes no longer fit me."

...Oh, yes. Count von Sabrewulf, was it? You're the last one I have to interview before I can start the voting.

"Indeed. Oh, I see you have a mahogany desk! And an expensive one, too!"

Trust me, you won't believe how much it cost. And it's had no end of bad things happen to it.

"Yes, I heard about what happened with the Barbarian. Most unfortunate - the previous one was an antique, I hear. What a waste..."

I'm still a bit sore about that, to be honest...

1. Who are you and where do you come from?
"I am Count Jürgen von Sabrewulf, latest - and possibly last - of my lineage. I come from the far-off kingdom of Todenwald, formerly of the old Ardean Empire before our independance many years ago. As of now, it is an independant republic ruled by a small council of elders, among whom was my late grandfather Ludwig."
Ah, some history! I like that, could help a little with worldbuilding....
2. Are you an Original Character? If not, what are you from?
"Unlike the Native American, I am unashamed to admit that I am from Killer Instinct. Specifically, my design is taken from the reboot instalment on the XBox One."
I kinda prefer it, myself. Always though your classic design looked a bit too goofy.
"Some people would say otherwise..."
3. What are you particularly good at?
"I am extremely learned in the fields of human biology and medicine, alchemy and chemistry, and I have employed these fields repeatedly in my constant battle against the Lycanthropy that ails me and my family. I am able to regonize various plants and animals for their toxic or medicinal qualities, and can concoct various potions, brews and the like for various purposes. Whilst I share my ancestor's knowledge in various... other sciences, I do not wish to disclose them here, for I find the subjects shameful to speak of."
And of course, being a werewolf...
"...Indeed. Whilst I do not like to admit to such, my teeth and claws have saved my life on more than one occasion."
4. What do you like and dislike?
"My preferences include reading from my family's collection of dusty novels, a hearty meal at dinnertime, a warm bed and large open areas to exercise in. I have an innate hatred of advanced technology - it is souless and unquantifiable, unlike the chemical and magical sciences, and more devilish than any dark magic you would care to name. I also dislike confined spaces - the last bounty hunter who sought to cage me learned this at the cost of his life."
"My only regret is that I had to dispose of his rifle. I can appreciate a well-crafted firearm, except when it is being pointed at me."
5. Why do you think you should appear in Zoofights RP 2014?
"I believe that my current struggle with Lycanthropy would form an emotionally-charged story arc similar to scenes in past events of your RP, and would certainly provide more to the public than my competitors offerings. Ymir and Dampierre may have their charisma, but have nothing else besides that. The Tactician's anmesia is an ancient cliche that has "dark hidden past" written all across it, and Thunder is trying too hard to ride on the coat tails of his cousin Nightwolf for success. Were I to enter, I can promise far more than they have."
Well, thank you for your time, Count! That was very enlightening and-"
"I belive you have some explaining to do, my lad!"
What? What do you-?
"Namely, why Barbara has already made it into the roster whilst we have to wait."
...Ah. Look, I had a bit of a-
"Do you not suppose that is a little unfair on us, after all the preparations we've made?"
A bit, but you see, there was a-
"(GET HIM!)"
"...I am beginning to deeply reconsider my life choices."

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